Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Group Nine Book Club Four  Natalie, Joe, Dallas, Sebastien

did George Orwell share the same ideas expressed in Goldstein's book?

Why did Winston wait longer in a cell than other prisoners?

what did you think about Winston being arrested?  Did you expect this to happen?

Was Winston ever completely safe in the room he was renting?  Did the bugged room tip off O'Brien to Winston's disloyalty?
Group Eight Book Club Four Kiana, Samantha C., Alyssa, Zander, Ines

What does Winston mean when he tells Julia that they are all dead?

Why does Winston think that sex is a great way to rebel against the party?  

Why does Julia wear makeup to impress Winston?

Why is Winston terrified of rats?

What does the paperweight represent?

Group Seven Book Club Four

Is Julia a good partner for Winston?  Why or why not?

Do you think that Winston and Julia would give up the other to save themselves?

Did it surprise you that Mr. Charrington was a part of the thought police?  Why or why not?

Have you ever been in a situation where you were betrayed?  How was your reaction similar to Winston's?

Excellent set of questions.

Group Six Book Club Four jack, Laurie, Devin, Darian, Izick

Why did Oceania switch enemies and allies?

Why did Emmanuel Goldstien get blamed?

Does Julia love Winston?

Who is Mr. Charrington?

Group Five Book Club Four  Alex, Alexander, Gabe, Ben, Levi

With whom was Oceania at war with and why was records of this event 'rectified"?

What was the condition of the book in the briefcase Winston was carrying and what was the significance of the story?

To whom did Winston read the book to, and what was their reaction to it?

Group Four Book Club Four Kathy, Sunmi, Anthony, Austin, Cecilia

What conflicts are Winston and the dark haired girl facing?


How does Winston ? while he executes his plan to meet the girl in the country?

What do you think about the author being in very deep details in the punishment that Winston gets?

How does Julia feel about Winston betraying her?

Do you think any of our real world government treat people the way Orwell describes in the book?


Group Three Book Club Four

No questions at this time.
Group Two Book Club Four

What is the relevance of Winston's paperweight getting smashed?

What is the meaning of the slogan "War is Peace"?

Were you surprised that O'Brien and Mr. Charrington betrayed Winston?

Group One Book Club 4 Brooke, Brandt, Becca, Bridgett

What kinds of conflicts is Winston facing?

What do you think about Winston and Julia, are they good together?

What are your thoughts on the war?

How do you feel about the guards tactic of starvation/

In a real world application, do you think some torture methods are OK?  If so, in what scenario and where should the line be drawn?