Sunday, January 22, 2017

Group Five:  Gabe, Alex F., Alex V., Ben, Levi

What are the three slogans of the ministry and why are they significant?

What did Winston write in the diary repeatedly in mockery of the government?  Why would he risk this?

Who are the Thought Police?

What are the four homes of the ministries between the entire apparatus of the government?  what were their roles?


  1. Winston wrote DOWN WITH BIG BROTHER repeatedly in his journal. He risks it because he wants to rebel and make a change, also he is kind of sad about life so he doesnt really value it -Jack Carroll

  2. I agree with you about the risk he is taking. Too add to that I think Winston is willing to take the chance of getting caught for writing in his journal because he is a rebellion and does not necessary believe in Big Brother so he is willing to take that chance.

  3. The thought police are the secret police of the Oceania in the book 1984, who discover and punish thoughtcrime, personal and political thoughts unapproved by the Party. They are there to prevent people from having individual thoughts thus preventing them from having independence.
